Mark Conway - District 4
100 Holliday Street
Room 511
Baltimore, Maryland 21202
Councilmember's Bio:
Councilman Mark Conway represents Baltimore’s Fourth District. Originally from the Bronx and the son of two law enforcement officers, he chairs the Public Safety and Government Operations Committee and sits on the Economic and Community Development; Health, Environment, and Technology; and Rules and Legislative Oversight Committees. Mark is committed to leveraging his experience from within city government and as a nonprofit executive to deliver for the residents of his district and Baltimore.
Mark came to Maryland when he moved to College Park to study Government & Politics and Philosophy at the University of Maryland. After completing his undergraduate studies, he earned a Master’s of Public Policy while working at the Environmental Protection Agency in Washington, D.C. Mark then moved to Baltimore to work as an analyst in the Mayor’s Office of CitiStat, leveraging data to drive government performance and accountability. Mark was quickly promoted to Deputy Director and led a team of analysts measuring, monitoring, and analyzing city agencies to improve the performance of city agencies through monthly meetings.
During his time in the Mayor’s Office, Mark came to deeply appreciate the urgent need for green space and trees in the city. With a desire to address environmental justice issues, Mark was named Executive Director of the Baltimore Tree Trust in 2017. Coupling his passion and expertise, Mark grew the organization's budget and scope in just three years, doubling the size of the organization. Seeing an opportunity to address environmental and workforce issues, he leveraged the Tree Trust’s commitment to neighborhood greening to train residents for careers in the tree care industry and launched the Urban Roots Apprenticeship (URA).
After being elected in 2020, Mark has put his knowledge and experience to work. Under his leadership, the Public Safety and Government Operations Committee holds monthly oversight hearings with Baltimore’s public safety agencies. Mark also sponsored a landmark bill in 2022 creating a Police Accountability Board with aims to improve accountability of officers that have been accused of wrongdoing and restoring trust in the men and women who serve our city. He’s also spearheaded bills to address climate change: divesting city pension funds from fossil fuels, requiring city government to reach net-zero operations by 2045, and adding new climate-friendly “cool roof” standards. In February 2023, after Mark sponsored legislation to create a Business Improvement District along the York Road Corridor, an overwhelming majority of commercial property owners voted to create the York Corridor Business Improvement District, which will focus on cleaning, greening, safety, and advocacy efforts along the corridor.
Mark also serves as Executive Vice President for the Chesapeake Conservancy, where he oversees programs and the work of its Conservation Innovation Center, which leverages data tools for conservation efforts. He lives with his wife, two daughters, and their mischievous dog.