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Calling for oversight and equity, Council President Mosby to introduce legislation to monitor $641 million from the American Rescue Plan

Header showing headshot of Nick Mosby with text 'From the desk of City Council President Nick J. Mosby'


BALTIMORE, MD (Monday, Sept. 13, 2021) – In the interest of transparency and accountability, Baltimore City Council President Nick J. Mosby will introduce legislation Monday to call for quarterly oversight hearings, publicly reported data analysis and ongoing equity assessments to monitor the city’s strategic investment of $641 million from the American Rescue Plan.


Under the legislation, the Council will review the investment strategy by the Mayor’s Office of Recovery Programs and the Department of Finance to ensure this one-time infusion of federal funding stands the best chance of creating transformative change in our communities. The oversight will focus on whether the investment is being used effectively to address our city’s inequities, as well as to guarantee the spending is administered in a timely manner. The legislation also calls for the funding to be tracked and for frequent spending statements to be issued publicly.


Council President Mosby said the goal is to make sure the money is invested, rather than simply being spent.


“With this level of investment over such a short period of time, we can truly undo some of the deliberate damage in our city created by longstanding structural inequity,” Council President Mosby said. “It is in a crisis when our values are tested the most. And in this crisis we get to choose whether we will be guided by the data, driven by equity and propelled to put aside conventional solutions.


“On the other side of the American Rescue Plan, we should be able to show our residents that this exceptional investment was a game-changer for our city.”


Co-sponsors include the Committee chairs and a majority of the Council.


Specifically, the legislation requires:

  • Data provided monthly to determine if the funds have broadened the reach of city services and increased the effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of government functions.
  • Equity assessments provided monthly that tie outcomes to population size, employment opportunities, community benefits and economic growth, especially as it pertains to minority- and women-owned businesses.
  • Quarterly briefings featuring monetary distributions by month, assessments of federal funding limitations, a breakdown of operational expenses and details on procurement procedures.


Annual reports at the close of each fiscal year that include an assessment of the disbursement and management of funds, an analysis of key metrics, an explanation of the progress addressing Baltimore’s inequities and an accounting of community engagement efforts. 





Candance Greene
Deputy Director of Communications
Office of City Council President Nick J. Mosby

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