Jack's Journal: Vol. 8, Issue 8
Council President Kicks Off $12 Million Youth Fund
Baltimore took a major step toward strengthening investments in young people Tuesday evening when more than a hundred citizens gathered for the first meeting of a task force charged with recommending guidelines for City Council President Bernard C. "Jack" Young’s Children and Youth Fund.
The 39-member task force includes students, nonprofit leaders and community advocates, who will spend the coming months sorting through national best practices and organizational models in an effort to recommend guidelines for the creation of the $12 million Children and Youth Fund.
"This Fund is going to have an incredible impact on the programs that affect our youth. It is a big step in the right direction," said Council President Young, the brainchild behind Baltimore’s youth fund.
The 38-member task force will offer suggestions on the following:
Grant-making Criteria: Methods and criteria for identifying specific program and services eligible for funding the Fund, and
Grant-making Style: Methods and criteria for allocating available funds among eligible programs and services, and
Fund Organizational Structure: Establishment of any other legislative or administrative rules, regulations, or standards, consistent with this section, governing the fund, its operations, and programs and services funded by it.
The task force is being co-chaired by Adam Jackson, the chief executive officer of Leaders of a Beautiful Struggle, a Baltimore think tank that focuses on social activism, and Dr. John Brothers, who oversees T. Rowe Price's philanthropic activities.
“It's essential that we invest in our black-led, community-based institutions," Jackson said. "The youth fund represents an opportunity to implement a race equity framing around resource distribution by philanthropy.”
Dr. Brothers said that Council President Young's Youth Fund would create the third largest grant-making organization in Baltimore City.
“Baltimore has a bright future. And our youth will define how exactly that will look," Dr. Brothers said. "As Adam and I work with the team, we’ll look to find ways to empower our city’s youth, so they can be the architects of change.”
A number of cities have successfully pursued a similar approach to Baltimore’s.
In 1991, San Francisco became a national model by creating “a dedicated Children’s Fund, and making ‘San Francisco’ the first city in the country to guarantee funding for children each year in the city budget, while preventing any cuts in previously funded services.”
In 1996, residents in Oakland, Calif., voted overwhelmingly to amend the city charter in order to invest millions of dollars in programs and services proven to benefit children and young adults.
And in 2002, voters in Miami’s Dade County passed a ballot initiative that has pumped hundreds of millions of dollars into similar programming. Residents - in the face of a crippling recession – confirmed their commitment six years later by approving a 10-year, $1 billion tax hike to avoid a planned sunset of the fund.
The second meeting of the task force will be held on Tuesday, March 7, 2015, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Center for Urban Families at 2201 North Monroe Street. For more information on the task force, please visit http://bit.ly/2lDpohl
Volunteers needed to serve on The MTA’s Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC)
The Maryland Transit Administation (MTA) is seeking representatives to serve on its Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC). The CAC will work to establish and maintain consistent and responsive communication between the MTA and its customers.
If you are interested in applying to serve on the committee, please submit a letter of interest to the office of Customer and Community Relations no later than February 28th by the close of business day.
The Citizens Advisory Committee
The Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) is a volunteer advisory group to the MTA. The CAC Committee does not set regulations or policy. The members of the committee are the eyes and ears of the MTA transit system. As a volunteer advisory group, the members of the committee make recommendations for solutions to problems that are identified. CAC is a collaborative effort between the MTA and the community. The meetings are held the third Tuesday of the month at 1:00 p.m., MTA, 6 Saint Paul Street in the 5th Floor Conference Room. All meeting are open to the public and the public is invited to attend.
- Mission Statement
The Maryland Transit Administration (MTA) is committed to providing the highest possible level of reliable, affordable, convenient and accessible service to all its customers. In order to establish and maintain consistent and responsive communications between the MTA and its customers, improve the quality of service from a customer’s point of view, provide for direct input to management about customer perception of service, and to facilitate inclusion of customer observations into service monitoring and modification, the MTA has established a volunteer Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC). - Purpose of the Committee:
CAC is a volunteer advisory group to the MTA. The CAC Committee does not set regulations or policy. The members of the committee are the eyes and ears of the MTA transit system. As a volunteer advisory group, the members of the committee make recommendations for solutions to problems that are identified. CAC is a collaborative effort between the MTA and the community.
Baltimore Police launch new mobile app
The Baltimore Police Department is stepping up its technology game by unveiling a new mobile application that will allow citizens to receive access to the latest news, live streams, photos and videos, alerts and crime information right in the palm of their hand.
Baltimore PD, a free app for Android and Apple devices, allows two-way communication using social media platforms, and offers users a special feature for submitting anonymous tips to the department.
You can find out more information about the new Baltimore PD app by visiting http://bit.ly/2l5CCjq
Learn About the Water Billing Portal
Baltimore City Department of Public Works (DPW) Director Rudolph S. Chow, P.E., has announced that during the month of February, DPW staff will be attending approximately 50 community association meetings across Baltimore to discuss the new water billing system portal and how to access its features.
DPW’s new web portal allows citizens to view their water usage in daily, or hourly, increments. Knowing how to fully utilize the web portal enables customers to make better decisions when it comes to conserving water, and saving money.
Thousands of citizens have already registered to use the portal and are actively monitoring their usage to detect leaks, dripping faucets, or breaks in the service line or in interior piping that may need a plumber’s intervention. The Department wants to increase use of the portal by as many customers as possible.
“This is a great opportunity for Baltimoreans to learn about this excellent resource,” said Mayor Catherine E. Pugh. “The water billing portal can really make a difference for citizens in tracking their water usage. It is a great tool to manage consumption and to save money through conservation, and through early discovery of leaks and service line breaks.”
The list and dates of these meetings are at the bottom of this release. These meetings are only for members and residents of these particular communities. Additional meetings will be announced for other communities in the coming months.
Any customer in the City who receives a bill for water service may register to view their account at https://waterbillportal.baltimorecity.gov/ or by clicking through on the DPW website. A YouTube video is also available to guide customers through the process, at https://www.youtube.com/user/BaltimoreDPW. For first time access to the portal customers will need the access code sent to them in the mail. Those who need the code re-sent to them may request it by emailing DPW.Billing@baltimorecity.gov.
Housing Mobility Program Wait List Closing Soon
The Baltimore Regional Housing Partnership (BRHP) runs the Baltimore Housing Mobility Program, which provides Housing Choice Vouchers (Section 8) for use in opportunity areas in the Baltimore region. The Program was created by the historic housing desegregation class-action lawsuit Thompson v. HUD. Before 2015, Metropolitan Baltimore Quadel (MBQ) ran the Program. Some may know the Program as “MBQ”.
BRHP will stop accepting applications as of 5:00 pm on Friday, March 31, 2017. Mailed applications must have a postmark of Friday, March 31, 2017, or before. The decision to close the wait list was difficult, but there are many more families applying than vouchers. The wait list will remain closed until further notice.
How do I know if I should apply?
You must be one of the following to be placed on the wait list:
• A family living in Housing Authority of Baltimore City (HABC) family public housing
• A family living in HABC family public housing between January 31, 1995, and present
• A family displaced from closed or torn down HABC family public housing
• A family on the HABC family public housing or Housing Choice Voucher wait list
• A family living in Baltimore City -- BRHP will check if you live in an eligible area
Where can I get an application?
• Pick up an application at our office located at 20 South Charles Street, Suite 801, Baltimore, Maryland 21201. Office hours are Monday through Friday 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.
• Download and print an application at www.brhp.org.
• Call the Application Line at 667-207-2102 to have an application mailed to you.
YouthWorks Needs Your Help
Please help YouthWorks reach its goal of offering summer employment to 8,000 Baltimore City youth.
Here’s how:
Become a Hire One Youth Employer - Baltimore’s private-sector employers can hire great workers this summer through the Hire One Youth strategy. Interview responsible and motivated 16- to 21-year olds and select at least one to hire. Youth participants get a high quality work experience. You add a prepared employee. For more information, please sign up at baltimorecity.gov/hireoneyouth or contact Harriett Diles at 410-396-JOBS (5627) or Hdiles@oedworks.com.
Become a YouthWorks worksite - Government agencies, non-profit organizations and community groups that would like to serve as YouthWorks worksites can register online at youthworks.oedworks.com. Young people would be placed in summer jobs with your organization and you would provide supervision and mentoring.
Make a tax-deductible donation - Online donations can be made through the Baltimore City Foundation, Inc. at baltimorecityfoundation.org. Choose MOED - YouthWorks 855-00. Checks can also be made payable to Baltimore City Foundation/YouthWorks and mailed to MOED, 101 W. 24th Street, Baltimore, MD 21218.
Out & About in Baltimore
On Thursday, Council President Young presented Cyrus Jones, Cornerback of the New England Patriots, with a City Council Citation, at Leith Walk Elementary School. Cyrus attended Leith Walk Elementary. Teachers and students were on hand for the ceremony.
The Council President, Cyrus, and the Leith Walk school principal, all addressed the students and teachers on hand. Mayor Catherine Pugh was also in attendance and gave opening remarks.
The Council President presented him with a citation for his efforts on the field and for youth in Baltimore.
Coming Up In Baltimore
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake
Volunteers Needed!
Becoming a mentor is easy. Mentoring is about real relationships that help young people overcome obstacles and thrive. From education to extracurricular activities to community engagement, young people benefit from mentoring. Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Greater Chesapeake Community One-to-One Mentoring Program connects young people with caring adult mentors. Matches are provided with professional supports, inclusive of a case manager, and monthly low to no cost activities. We ask that volunteers commit to mentoring a child for a minimum of one year and to plan two to three match activities per month. To apply contact Leticia Sharp at 410-243-4000 or visit www.biglittle.org/volunteer to complete an online application . Visit Big Brothers Big Sisters on Facebook: BBBSGreaterChesapeake, Twitter: @bbbsgc and instagram: bbbsgc.
Online Homebuyer Education Course
24 hours a day/7days a week
Looking to buy a home? Don't just take your best shot, make it a slam dunk! eHome America can help make your homebuying experience a winning experience! Learn what you need to know about the homebuying process, on your own schedule, from any computer. The cost is low, but the information is invaluable. Visit us at www.ehomeamerica.org/ for more information, or to register online. Information courtesy of Steven C. Kinney of the GO Northwest Housing Resource Center on 2300 Garrison Blvd., Suite 140. For more information e-mail skinney@go-northwesthrc.org or call 410-947-0084.
GO Northwest HRC Free Foreclosure and Prevention Counseling
Every Wednesday from 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM by appointment only
2300 Garrison Boulevard, Suite 140
This workshop is for individuals who are behind on their mortgage and/or facing foreclosure. Free workshop and free parking! Appointment is required. Call 410-947-0084 x104 for more information.
HomeFree USA
1056 West Baltimore Street
HomeFree USA uplifts Baltimore communities and empowers families. Resources include homebuying guidance, credit help, mortgage advice, and rebuilding communities. For more information call 410-878-1405 or visit www.homefreeusa.org.
Adult Education Classes in Baltimore City
Baltimore City Community College
Locations throughout Baltimore City
The Baltimore City Community College and the Housing Authority of Baltimore City will offer Basic Skills (Pre GED) Classes at the following locations: Eager Street Homes, 709 E. Eager Street; Gilmor Homes, 1515 Vincent Court; O'Donnell Heights, 1200 Gusryan Street; Pleasant View Homes, 201 N. Aisquith Street; Westport Homes, 2343 Norfolk Street; Brooklyn Homes, 4140 Tenth Street. You must be at least 17 years of age to enroll. For more information call 410-396-3212.